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Multimodal Mobile Robot

2024 - Present

Leading the development of an autonomous robotic system designed for inspection and surveillance in constrained environments. This project integrates bio-inspired design principles with real-time control and navigation, utilizing ROS2, Jetson Nano, and a distributed embedded system to enable multimodal mobility.

Key Achievements

  • Simulated and Optimized Robot Mechanisms: Used SolidWorks Motion Analysis to calculate torque and force profiles, optimizing component selection for improved performance.
  • Developed a Distributed Embedded System: Designed an architecture where local microcontrollers control individual mechanisms, with a Jetson Nano managing system-level control.
  • Implemented CAN Protocol for Communication: Established efficient real-time communication between microcontrollers and the Jetson Nano using the CAN bus.
  • Implemented Teleoperation Using ROS2 Over WiFi: Enabled remote control of the robot using ROS2, allowing wireless operation and testing.

Technical Stack

ROSJetson NanoIntel RealSenseSolidWorksPythonC++
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ACPS Lab Platform

2022 - 2024

Designed and developed a lab-scale cyber-physical system platform for education and research. This platform features sensor-actuator nodes with ARM-based microcontrollers, a layered edge-fog-cloud computing architecture, and real-time data acquisition, providing hands-on experience in ACPS.

Key Achievements

  • Developed Sensor-Actuator Nodes: Designed and implemented ARM-based microcontroller nodes (STM32, ESP32) for real-time data acquisition and control.
  • Implemented a Layered Computing Architecture: Integrated edge, fog, and cloud computing to model cyber-physical system interactions.
  • Enabled Hands-on Learning: Created an interactive platform for embedded systems, communication protocols, and system integration in education.
  • Presented at the 11th ISSS National Conference: Showcased the platform’s impact on cyber-physical system education and research.

Technical Stack

STM32ESP32MQTTPythonWeb Technologies
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Smart City Project


Engineered a scalable IoT-driven innovative city model for autonomous resource management. This project incorporated MQTT-based communication, computer vision for real-time localization, and path-planning algorithms to optimize navigation and infrastructure automation.

Key Achievements

  • Implemented MQTT-based Communication: Established Wi-Fi-based MQTT protocol for seamless data exchange between the central server and multiple autonomous bots.
  • Developed an Image Processing System for Localization: Utilized OpenCV and ArUco markers for real-time tracking and localization of bots within the city grid.
  • Designed and Integrated Path Planning Algorithms: Implemented Dijkstra’s algorithm for dynamic shortest path computation and navigation.
  • Established Multi-Protocol Communication: Integrated I2C, Serial, and MySQL-based database handling for sensor data management and bot control.

Technical Stack

PythonArduinoRaspberry PiMQTTJavaScript
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Home Assistance System

2018 - 2019

Developed a voice-controlled smart home system to enhance accessibility for disabled and visually impaired users. Using a Django-based web interface, the system integrated Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, and a GSM module for remote control, real-time monitoring, and automated alerts.

Key Achievements

  • Developed a Web-Based Control System: Designed and implemented a Django-based web application for centralized home automation control.
  • Integrated GSM and IoT Connectivity: Enabled remote device control using a GSM module (SIM800A) and ESP8266 for wireless communication.
  • Implemented Voice Command Interface: Developed a speech recognition system using WebkitSpeechRecognition for hands-free operation.
  • Designed Smart Home Monitoring Modules: Integrated fire, gas, and smoke detectors, a temperature and humidity sensor, and automated alerts for real-time safety monitoring.

Technical Stack

Raspberry PiGSM ModulePythonDjango